Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

After I woke up yesterday, I picked up the phone and called mak "Mak, happy mother's day!". She said "terima kasih!!".

And today, I feel like writing something for her, on this blog.


Thank you so much for being the coolest mom ever.
Thank you so much for loving me, unconditionally.
Thank you so much for putting up with my antics and my unbreakable stubbornness.
Thank you so much for giving Abah a long lecture when he flipped out the moment he found out I got arrested.
Thank you so much for your support in everything I do.
Thank you so much for giving me your blessing for every single thing that I do despite the worrying thoughts at the back of your head.
Thank you for always telling me that your prayers are always with me.

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