Thursday, January 04, 2007

as humanity is persistently receiving a patronizing treatment by those who have been chanting the slogan on "war on terror" and the ever expanding Islamophobia... i couldnt dedicate my admiration to no other than the deserving Iranian President-Mahmoud Ahmadinejad..for he is the pnly man in the form of human creation, in the name of a lawful governance of a lawful nation has the nerve to face the anticipated threats which i believe that now it has been materialised (the sanction by the UN)...for he is the only man i guess that has the courage to go against the grain when the whole world is under the conscious influence of abhorrent cowardice and selfishness of the temporal worldly gain...under the patronizing control of the zionist, the US and the criminals of war against glad to see such essence transpiring out of one soul when what is left in this whole world is nothing but hypocrisies and deception..and i believe that he has the force to bring back the glorious revolution on humanity and justice when the world is sinking down in devastation....-a thought that has been bottling up in me for quite so long...but the reading of 2006 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's official letter to the American people is really awakening....

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