Saturday, February 24, 2007

im literally and technically speechless today...i guess the question that has been hanging over my head is answered today...people always ask me.."what would you do after your chambering?"..and my answer hasn't yet changed since i know that i owe a duty to humanity and to uphold what is right...and my answer is "i wanna do things that im really into..that is human rights.."..and as day passes by im always scared that one day that dream will be only dreams...

im always scared of falling into conformity of what life is in the perspective of people who just live a daily life and do not include others as one of their's seminar on human rights held by the bar committee has really given me a strong conviction to what ive been believing so overwhelmed to be given such a wonderful opportunity to meet these knowledgeable, high spirited human right lawyers who i never fail to follow what they have to say about issues and development relating to human rights...i admire those hard work..all the thoughts poured on papers and articles...and im so glad that ive learned so much from these dedicated people...thanx to mr rajan, mr shan and mr edmund bon for taking your time off and came down here to share the very essence ff humanity with is really an eye opening that we were be able to sit down and discuss the matters which i believe is only for one good cause...

to edmund...thanx for your compliment...i have to admit that, to have such compliment from someone like you, really makes me go mental for a few was such an honour and there's nothing much that i would say to you but one thing..."thanx for the inspiration..and for giving me more reasons to stay here, in this struggle and be part of the journey...i dont want to miss the boat...and when you told me that you've been reading my blog..i almost fainted...thanx again..i guess i may need your guidance in helping me through the way...thanx again...seriously...for once in my speechless...i hope that ill be seeing you again in the future because there's a lot of things that id like to share with you and to learn from all the speakers and to mr darshan, you guys have done a wonderful job today...:)

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