Thursday, January 07, 2010

Knock in the Head

Since 2010 started, I kept having this somber mood hanging all around me...perhaps it's due to self-reflection mode I usually experience at the end of every year.

After being absent for quite some time for GMI meeting due to other engagements, I actually got some kind of reality check, yah, right there in the head.Somber mood is now over, now it's time to get cracking!

Last night was our first meeting for 2010. I promised myself earlier on to block last night's date for the meeting no matter what. Every one was happy that attendance was satisfactory. We ran through the campaigns and activities for the year 2009 and shared how we felt about last year's achievement, and what we need to do to improve ourselves. Before the meeting started, a conversation took place:

Tuan Syed :ISA has existed for 50 years!
Nalini : yalah, it's a long time. I think by 50 I might be dead by then.
Me: you still have some time to live then. I think I can hardly see 40. I might die in my 30s.Oh, there's so little time left.
Tuan Syed : "Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, engkau panjangkan lah usia fadiah dan rahmatilah dia"


It's such a blessing to have such a wonderful family no matter where you are, no matter how hard things get and no matter how devastated sometimes you feel. Knowing that they will always be there, for and with you.

It's time to get started. No excuse!

And for this 2010, I promised myself to spend more time with the Mentari Kids too.

I hope 2010 will be a meaningful year. InsyaAllah.

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